Therapeutic Foster Network

Traditional Foster Care


Traditional Foster Care

Youthnet has been a pillar in traditional foster care for over half a century. We seamlessly integrate traditional and therapeutic foster care across Youthnet programming, offering state-contracted licensing, matching, and full-scale support for foster families nurturing kids across all ages.

Comprehensive Support System

Our no-fee service model encompasses extensive resources for foster families: from personal licensing guidance, manageable case loads, to transportation and supervision of visits. We provide quarterly virtual trainings/groups and 24/7 on-call support to ensure no one goes it alone.

Open Arms for All Families

Youthnet embraces prospective foster parents from all backgrounds. Our inclusive approach welcomes individuals and couples of any gender, race, or religion, including LGBTQ+ parents. We guide you through each qualification step - training, safety checks, and a home study - ensuring every child is placed in a safe and loving home.

Respite Care

Respite parents are part of a youth’s extended foster family.  In the same way that many youth occasionally spend a weekend at their aunts’, uncles’, or grandparents’ houses, Youthnet works with respite parents to provide the same opportunity to foster youth and foster families.  If you’re interested in fostering but aren’t quite ready to do it full time, respite is a great place to start!

Service Areas

Serving children, youth and families living in Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan, Island, Snohomish, King, Pierce, Lewis, Clark, Thurston, Mason, Grays Harbor, Kitsap, Jefferson, and Clallam Counties.